pub trait GenericSendMut<'a>: SendIntType + GenericSend<'a, Mutable> {
Show 13 methods fn delete(self) -> ReaperResult<()>
        Self: Sized
, { ... } fn set_info_value(
        &mut self,
        param: impl Into<String>,
        value: f64
    ) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_mute(&mut self, mute: bool) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_phase(&mut self, phase: bool) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_mono(&mut self, mono: bool) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: impl Into<Volume>) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_pan(&mut self, pan: impl Into<Pan>) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_pan_law(&mut self, pan_law: PanLaw) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_send_mode(&mut self, send_mode: SendMode) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_automation_mode(
        &mut self,
        automation_mode: AutomationMode
    ) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_source_channels(
        &mut self,
        channels: Option<SendSourceChannels>
    ) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_dest_channels(
        &mut self,
        channels: SendDestChannels
    ) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... } fn set_midi_properties(
        &mut self,
        properties: impl Into<Option<SendMIDIProps>>
    ) -> ReaperResult<()> { ... }

Provided Methods

Remove send from track. This also drops the value.


drop(send) will not remove send from track.

Core method to set send properties. With probability of 99% you shouldn’t use it.

Phase flipped if true.

Can not set Bypass Use None for default track mode.

Pass None if want to turn audio off.

If source channels are off it will return ReaperError::InvalidObject

Pass None if want to turn MIDI off.
